4 2 isosceles and equilateral triangles worksheet answers
4 2 isosceles and equilateral triangles worksheet answers

4 2 isosceles and equilateral triangles worksheet answers

Hence, the points A, C and B are collinear.

4 2 isosceles and equilateral triangles worksheet answers

Since, the sum of the distances between two pairs of points is not equal to the distance between the third pair of points, so the given points R, S and T are non-collinear. The point R is between P and Q i.e., P-R-Q. Hence, the points P, R and Q are collinear. (vi) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (v) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (iv) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (iii) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (ii) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (i) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (viii) The co-ordinates of points Q and B are −5 and 2 respectively. (vii) The co-ordinates of points P and J are −4 and −2 respectively. (vi) The co-ordinates of points O and E are 0 and 5 respectively.

4 2 isosceles and equilateral triangles worksheet answers

(v) The co-ordinates of points K and O are −3 and 0 respectively. (iv) The co-ordinates of points J and H are −2 and −1 respectively. (iii) The co-ordinates of points P and C are −4 and 3 respectively. (ii) The co-ordinates of points J and A are −2 and 1 respectively. (i) The co-ordinates of points B and E are 2 and 5 respectively. It is known that, distance between the two points is obtained by subtracting the smaller co-ordinate from larger co-ordinate.

4 2 isosceles and equilateral triangles worksheet answers