Hence, the points A, C and B are collinear.

Since, the sum of the distances between two pairs of points is not equal to the distance between the third pair of points, so the given points R, S and T are non-collinear. The point R is between P and Q i.e., P-R-Q. Hence, the points P, R and Q are collinear. (vi) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (v) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (iv) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (iii) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (ii) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (i) The coordinates of A and B are x and y respectively. (viii) The co-ordinates of points Q and B are −5 and 2 respectively. (vii) The co-ordinates of points P and J are −4 and −2 respectively. (vi) The co-ordinates of points O and E are 0 and 5 respectively.

(v) The co-ordinates of points K and O are −3 and 0 respectively. (iv) The co-ordinates of points J and H are −2 and −1 respectively. (iii) The co-ordinates of points P and C are −4 and 3 respectively. (ii) The co-ordinates of points J and A are −2 and 1 respectively. (i) The co-ordinates of points B and E are 2 and 5 respectively. It is known that, distance between the two points is obtained by subtracting the smaller co-ordinate from larger co-ordinate.