Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction helps you connect to the wisdom of your body for intimacy and pleasure’s sake. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile helps you feel even more connected to family, whether that means chosen family or family of origin. Stay grounded, Sag! Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction wants you to respond thoughtfully, not react impulsively. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction wants you to ask open-ended questions to get to the answers you’re seeking. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile makes you feel even more confident based on how you communicate.

Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction helps you express your interior world both clearly and compassionately. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction reconnects you to the people, places, and experiences that make you feel safe. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile gives you a routine that strengthens your emotional intelligence and wellbeing. Name your feels, Libra! Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction inspires you to put language to your emotions and remain adaptable. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction rewards you for the vulnerability and courage you’ve expressed all week. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile attracts people who help you feel more confident and worthy. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction gets you ahead of stress through proactive productivity.Ĭhoose vulnerability, Virgo! Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction helps you breathe through risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure and find your strength there. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile helps you find the divine in the details, especially ~intimate~ details. Think “systems," Leo! Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction wants to help you achieve a goal by clarifying your strategy to accomplish it. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction is a beautiful balance between being understood and understanding. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile helps you take a risk to understand trust.

Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction rewards the work you’ve put in this week and levels up your relationships.Īre you understanding as much as you want to be understood, Cancer? Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction asks you to mirror, experience, and “see” the other point of view. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile gives you grit and perseverance in vulnerability and intimacy. Share what’s on your heart, Gemini! Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction helps you reveal an emotion, hope, fear, desire and/or boundary to someone who needs to hear it. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction wants you to be more proactively optimistic, trusting, and hopeful about relational outcomes. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile creates a social and compassionate context for gathering with your friends. Think differently, Taurus! Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction inspires a breakthrough that needs to be applied quickly for success. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction wants you to put in the effort to skill-build behaviors that support relational success. Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile reframes a work relationship and helps you feel more supported by others.

What emotion motivates you professionally, Aires? Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction wants you to investigate the emotions that underpin your work. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction in Capricorn makes the weekend romantic! Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope: Aries A compassionate Venus-Neptune sextile on Wednesday wants you to experience empathy given and received. Monday’s Moon-Pluto conjunction wants you to choose behaviors that help you manage and move through emotions responsibly. Uranus and the North Node of Destiny come together in Taurus on July 31, taking us out of our comfort zones and shaking up the structure in our lives.Overview: Emotions aren’t problematic our behaviors are. The same day, lucky planet Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries, pushing us to take more spontaneous risks. Then, July 28’s new moon in Leo will make us want to be seen and appreciated. The Sun shifts into the lion sign on the 22nd, ending Cancer season and allowing us to carry ourselves with confidence. Mercury enters Leo on July 19, giving the spark of boldness needed to express what we really want to say, with some dramatic flair. There's a lot of Leo energy this month, too. Romantic Venus swims into sentimental Cancer on July 17, heightening our desire to love and to be loved.
The Capricorn full moon on July 13 asks us to put facts before our feelings. Several minutes later, Mercury, the planet of communication, enters emotional Cancer. Before heading into July horoscopes, read on for the cosmic happenings to have on your radar (or telescope).Īction planet Mars enters docile Taurus on July 5. Astrologically, the month ahead holds a lot of action. Weather-wise, July is likely to bring hot temperatures and the feeling of summer - at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere.